vrijdag 4 december 2009

Renaissance Kingdoms (Part 2)


As promised, here's part 2 of our Renaissance Kingdoms article, I'll take over from my co-blogger Bart to tell you about the daily routine and new player experience. The reason for this is that Bart has been playing RK for years already, while I started about a month ago so that puts me in a better position to handle these subjects.

For those of you that know the game I'll quickly position my character in the game. I'm currently level 1, you could say I have about 1/3 of the requirements needed to level up. I have the clothing needed, now I just have to get all the money to train stats and to pay the fee for the Count's First Secretary.

Daily routine

As said in the introduction last week, you'll be mostly surviving at first and this is where the daily routine comes in. Survival is divided into 2 things: eating and working. In-game this translates to buying either bread or corn to eat, and checking the town hall's job offers or the mines for work.

Obviously you should try to stay alive; so eating and working has to be done every day. You can skip a few meals every week though, as long as you eat when your status is 'dying'. The only penalty for not eating is stat reduction, but when you start out your stats will be 0 anyway so it doesn't matter.

It's advisable to work every day though, as you'll need money to level up and buy new food (including the types of food that are used to train your stats). In the case that you won't be able to get online for some time, it would be cruel to let your character starve to death (resulting in severe stat loss) so the game provides the option to retreat in the Church ("Vacation Mode"). You'll get food during your retreat, but obviously won't earn any money.

New player experience

Shortly after you've created your account you'll get a message from your town's Mentor; the person that guides new inhabitants. But first, you may be shocked to find out that your look is decided at random, character customization would have been nice (I guess Celcius Online will implement this in the game some day though). Basically the message you get, gives you some info about surviving (pretty much what I've said above about the daily routine) to get you started.

Getting jobs in the town hall and buying/eating food is pretty straightforward, but (for me at least) it got more confusing when you want to work in the mines outside of town. Of course I had Bart to explain stuff like this to me, but I can imagine that there are quite some new players that may have troubles finding certain features in the game.

Something that bothers me more, is that all you need is just 2 minutes a day and you're done in the game. Sure, I know most of the game takes place on the forums but I'm not really into Roleplaying. I'm aware that I throw away more than half of the game by not going on the forums, but Roleplaying just isn't my cup of tea.

So the bottom line is, like Bart said last week, that the game by itself can't keep you occupied enough to stick around. Personally I couldn't imagine playing RK for years like Bart does, but again this game is all about the Roleplaying so if you're into that you'll definately like RK. The way I see it, the game mostly offers somewhat of a background for your roleplaying.

Well that's pretty much everything I can think of, please do share your opinion with us.
In case you haven't already, you can read 'Renaissance Kingdoms (Part 1)' here.

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