+500 days of Underworld Speed Clearing (UW Sc), the past months with cruel efficiency thanks to "Uway", by the Guild [Zraw]. 7 Minutes for a complete run, can't say I didn't enjoy it myself. The one-hour Ursan Rush from a year and a few months back was a joke compared to that. Now that they nerfed Uw Sc completely it makes me wonder if it hadn't been better if Anet (Arena Net) had never nerfed Ursan. Maybe then people hadn't gone searching for new ways, faster ways, to do UW. Probably they would have... xD

Anyway, with Halloween Anet introduced some skeletons in UW that made Sc runs impossible. Everyone was happy monday that they could continue again with their runs as Halloween had ended. BUT the terror of Halloween visited us again last night. A little bug fix ensured that the skeletons of Dhuum were to stay where they belong. With an Imbagon, a conset and much damage a UW trip will once again take about an hour to finish. There is no need to panic about ectos (globs of ectoplasm), the skeletons drop more or less quite a bit of ectos. Though the price of ectos has gone up with 1k already since yesterday, and I'm sure they will keep on rising...
If you are in panic now, take a deep breath! There are other things to do then just UW Sc to make money. Don't quit with GW and don't go outside in the swine flu epidemic zone; that would just be wrong. Ofcourse if you're a noob, I shouldn't be cheering you on to do other things, it means I'll be in more fail runs in SoO and FoW... xD Just joking! Keep on gaming!
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