zaterdag 21 november 2009

Guild Wars : Underworld - Dhuum Awakens!

Something stirs in the Underworld. Something ancient, powerful, and utterly evil: Dhuum. Banished eons ago by Grenth, this dark avatar of death has bided his time and grown in power. Now, Dhuum is free!

Yesterday Anet has added this new end boss to the Underworld, only a couple of weeks after the nerf. New drops from the Underworld end chest are Dhuum's Soul Reaper (which is a gold inscribable scythe), and 2 new miniature pets: the mini Dhuum and mini Smite Crawler.

I haven't personally done any UW lately, but it takes about an hour or two to finish it. Not something I'll be doing any time soon with all the work I got. I can hardly be online for like one hour some days. So Anet really made it so that only people who have lots of time (or no life) will really do it more than once a day, which you will have to if you wish to become rich of it.

vrijdag 20 november 2009

Runes of Magic

A couple of weeks ago I downloaded Runes of Magic (RoM) to try it out. I hadn’t really heard much about this game before, but seeing it’s free I thought I’d give it a shot. Before going any further I have to admit that I’m still a rather low level, as I didn’t had that much time to play due to schoolwork (and also because I restarted on a different server a week ago, after I discovered a friend of mine plays RoM as well). Nevertheless I have a pretty good idea of what the game has to offer.

Stats & gear

As you level up you will notice something: you don’t get any stat points to customize your character, meaning everyone of the same class and level as yourself will have the same stats. Stat customization in this game comes from stat-boosting runes that are placed on your armor and weaponry. Equipment is often given as a quest reward, so you’ll usually have decent gear just from doing quests. Of course there’s some high-end gear to be found (or bought) as well, but you’ll only be able to wear this at about level 50 (the current max. level is 55).

Armor and weapons can be upgraded by using the Arcane Transmutor, you unlock this feature as early as level 10 but it is advised to stay away from it until you have end-game gear. In case you were thinking upgrading gear is always better: you’re right. So why did I just advise you the opposite? The answer to this brings us to my next subject: RMT (Real Money Transactions).

Free only goes so far…

As said above, RoM is free but some things have to be bought from the item store, with diamonds or rubies, that are bought with real-life money. Examples of the things you can buy here are: Arcane Transmutator charges (hence why you shouldn’t upgrade lower level gear), the upgrade items you put on your equipment and permanent mounts (you can hire mounts for in-game money; these last for 15 minutes or 2 hours).

Luckily for those who don’t want to spend real money on the game, you can buy diamonds in the Auction House (they’re about 19k each on the server I’m on, making a permanent mount, other than the standard horse, cost over 5 million gold). But there’s also the possibility to buy some (e.g. no perm. mounts) item store-items with special tokens, which are acquired from doing daily quests (max 100 tokens a day). By the time you'll need end-game gear, you'll probably have a lot of gold (or at least will be able to earn it by doing instances), so getting diamonds won't really be a problem I think.

Now that we’re talking economics I have to say that this game has a lot of Real World Traders, who sell in-game money for real-life money. Don’t look surprised when you’re playing the game and suddenly see a whisper of someone offering to sell gold. Personally I get far too many of these whispers and got rather annoyed by them, but there’s not really anything you can do to stop it.


Of course combat is the most important of the game, and you pretty much get everything you’d expect. There are 8 classes, you choose one as your primary and at level 10 another one as your secondary. Based on that choice you get unique elite skills when both your classes are level 15, and a new one every 5 levels.

Leveling your secondary class doesn’t happen simultaneously with your primary. You’ll have to set your second class as your primary in order to level it. Gameplay-wise this means you’ll be level 1 again the first time you switch (something I didn’t expect to be honest). Results of this are that you won’t be able to use higher-level gear and that your health and damage will be considerably lower again. So basically you’ll need at least 2 sets of equipment. Besides the normal creatures, there are also bosses and instances. Of course there’s PvP as well (PvP servers).


There’s also the ability to craft items and gather resources. Though less important than combat, this does add an extra thing to do in the game whenever you don’t want to do combat. Seems to me gathering resources is a fairly decent way of earning money, but the big gold is to be gained in instances.


Runes of Magic pretty much offers everything you’d expect to find in a MMORPG. Though you’ll eventually have to get diamonds somehow to get the most out of your equipment and possibly to get a permanent mount, you’ll be able to play for quite some time without ever spending real-life money on the game. Overall I like the game and I’ll definitely continue playing it.

Got an opinion on Runes of Magic? Do let us know!

donderdag 19 november 2009

Runes of Magic: Patch 2.1.3 and new mounts!

Yesterday patch 2.1.3 was announced, along with 2 new mounts. I've waited with posting this news because the patch went live today, so now I can have a look at the patch notes to give you some more info.

New mounts

On the Runes of Magic (RoM) website there's currently a contest to win one of the new mounts: the Bladed Snake-Necked Dragon and the Furious Mammoth. The contest will run untill 20 November and the mounts are supposed to be released in the item shop 'soon'. Personally I think the new mounts look awesome (especially the Dragon) but see for yourself on these pics I found on the RoM-Wiki. I sure hope these mounts will permanently stay in the item shop after they're released, as I don't have nearly enough money to buy the required diamonds at the moment.

Patch 2.1.3

First of all, the new instance I talked about a while ago ( the Lair of the Demon Dragon ) is now completed and implemented in the game. Speaking of instances, some of the ones that existed already before the update now gained new weapon drops (Forsaken Abbey, Necropolis of Mirror, Mystic Altar and Ice Dwarf Kingdom). So all of you raiders out there will be busy for some time.

Next is the addition of new elven elite skills for the levels 25 and 30 (since the elven expansion is still fairly new, elf players only had 2 elites so far - and they receive new ones occasionally along with content updates). I don't know the effects of the new skills yet, so be sure to keep an eye on either the RoM Forums or the RoM Wiki to find out what they do.

Last, there's an update on crafting. The userface has been made more user-friendly, with options to sort recipes (simular to the options you get in the Auction House). More important, you can now craft recipes without level restriction, having a higher crafting level now gives you more chance of making items with a higher rarity. Oh, and did I mention that you now need 30% less experience to gain crafting levels?

These were the most important changes the patch brought, to read to full patch notes visit the RoM forums:

If you have any info about the new rewards for the instances or the new elites, please share it with us. Be sure to check in tomorrow when I post our 'review' of Runes of Magic.

woensdag 18 november 2009

'The Guild' Season 3 Episode 11

'The Guild' Season 3 Episode 11: “LAN OFF” is now up! The Axis of Anarchy and The Knights of Good face off!

Still as nice and funny as always to watch! Go Knights of Good! xD Can't wait to see what happens in the next episode... kinda hope Tink will turn around... guess we'll see. :D

Watch 'The Guild' S3 E11

dinsdag 17 november 2009

RuneScape: New spells & potion update!

Potions and spells in RuneScape were updated today. First of all the update made the ‘extreme potions’ (high-level potions that offer a strong boost to your combat skills) available again in the safe PvP mini-games (Castle Wars, Soul Wars, Clan Wars Arena, Fight Pits and the Duel Arena).
The RuneScapers among our readers will know that these potions were disabled for these mini-games shortly after being released a few weeks ago, due to the fact that they gave people with a high herblore level a considerable advantage over those who didn’t have access to the ‘extreme potions’.

Now you may wonder why Jagex would undo their update to keep the PvP mini-games fair, which brings us to the second part of the update; the way the extreme potions work. Strange enough only the extreme magic potion is mentioned in the update; so the problem of high-level herbalists killing people (even those with max hitpoints) with a single attack is back now.
That said, let’s check out the updated extreme magic potion. Before the update it would temporarily give you a +40% magic attack. Now it will boost your magic by 7 levels (decreasing over time like normal potions), giving you a +3% magic attack bonus for every level. So basically the potion was weakened quite a bit.

It’s not all bad news for mages though, as the reason for the potion update was the introduction of new high-level spells (in the standard spellbook): Wind Surge (level 81), Water Surge (level 85), Earth Surge (level 90) and Fire Surge (level 95). All you need is 1 death rune, 1 blood rune (so yes; these spells are member-only if you were wondering) and some elemental runes.

The strongest new spell, Fire Surge, has a max hit of 28 without any boosts and goes up to 37 if you use an extreme magic potion and a magic-boosting staff. Overall an interesting update; I think this will give standard mages some more punch in P2P PvP-ing, with damage that can compete with the ancient spellbook. As some of the standard spells (teleblock and binds to a lesser extent) are a must for playerkilling in members, I think some ancient mages may switch their spellbook and use the new spells instead.

Please tell us your opinion about this update and in case you've missed our RuneScape article, be sure to read it here.

maandag 16 november 2009

EVE Online: MMOZone Dominion Contest

Capsuleers based in Belgium and the Netherlands looking to win some really cool EVE Online loot will want to check out MMOZone's EVE Online Dominion Contest. Simply answer a rather easy question successfully for your shot at one of three prize packages.

It really is a simple question! xD Goodluck!