zaterdag 14 november 2009

Star Wars: the Old Republic: New Class!

A new class has been made public again. This time it's a class on the Sith side: the Imperial Agent. The short description given on the website describes them as follows:

"Outfitted in the smartest, sleekest, high-tech gear, the Imperial Agent always has the right tools at the right time. Using their abilities of subversion and subterfuge, these covert operatives infiltrate and assassinate enemies of the Empire with deadly efficiency."

Now I checked the video's of their skills out, and I can't say I like the class. Ok, the stun and then one-shot is a nice one, but the other skills don't look that great. Putting a shield in front of you may seem useful, but it looked small and faced only one way. So, in a fast battle with flanking and all, you are going to be nothing with it... The Imperial Agent also can call in for air support; it's the usual bomb that area sort of thing. Can't say I like the animation on it, seems like the enemy will see they're going to be bombed and the area of effect seems small too, so I fear they'll just run out. Of course it might be a totally different thing when playing, just how it looks to me for now.

If you got any remarks, react!

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