Today the above link was found by a player of Renaissance Kingdoms and he shared it with other people on the forum of Renaissance Kingdoms. Hundreds of people (me included) registered to the game in the first hours after the link was posted.
It was no real surprise that another game would be made by Celsius Online after the recent addition of sea travel. As it would become possible to sail around the world and with only America and Europe available for now, a game had to be made for Asia.
Though it was obvious that the game wasn't finished: several IG functions were not actived yet, the places didn't have names and the skin was the one used for Native Kingdoms. So, after 3 hours the game admin Jdw made the following announcement on the forums of Renaissance Kingdoms:
"You were not supposed to be able to register SK. We never gave the link, a player discovered it. It's totaly not ready, we are still working on design, and then we'll need some codes to add specials actions related to this universe. Sorry for having raised your hopes in vain, but SK will not open in the following weeks."
And then the game was taken offline. When you now click the link you'll get to see "ok" or an error....
I wonder what will happen to the accounts that were already registered. And I am also curious if Celsius Online will be making games for Africa and Australia.
Maybe more on it soon!
2 opmerkingen:
you got me really curious, but since i don't play Renaissance Kingkoms (or other Celsius games) i'm not familiar with the gameplay.
"As it would become possible to sail around the world and with only America and Europe available for now, a game had to be made for Asia."
-> Are the games somehow connected? In my understanding RK and SK (and NK) are different games, aren't they?
Thx for an answer!
Well, RK/RR, NK and SK are, at the moment, different games with a really similar System of Gameplay but a different setting.
As Celsius once pronounced in RR/RK-Forum, it is their ambition to connect the three (for now) games to one whole Game, called "De Gloria Regni" (a.s. - a buggy site but build by Celsius)
Hope i got some usefull answers for you,
An RR/RK-Player
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